Contributions of the Foundation
August 1996: Founding event in partnership with the Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre, St. Anthony's Cathedral and Typo-Press for publication of the Foundation's mandate document.
September 1996 to spring 2000: Proposal to the Timmins Museum for a retrospective exhibition of the works of Clément Bérini for the year 2000:
• proposal by Anita Spadafore as exhibition curator
• support for works selected and collected for transport to Timmins,
• photography of works for the curator's research work,
• validation of the translation of the catalogue text in French,
• conducting an interview with Alphonse Lespérance for the curator and for the purposes of certain passages in the catalogue.
A collaboration between the Timmins Museum and the Foundation.
Winter 1999 Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre: Copyright granted to the Museum by the Foundation for the Reproduction of Works by Clément Bérini for the purpose of the catalogue entitled Clément Bérini: A Spiritual Odyssey / Clément Bérini: Une odyssée spirituelle published in the year 2000 by the Museum.
A collaboration between the Timmins Museum and the Foundation.
Spring 2009 AFÉAO: Copyright granted to the AFÉAO (Association francophone pour l’éducation artistique en Ontario) by the Foundation for the reproduction of works by Clément Bérini in the resource entitled In the Footsteps of Clément Bérini: Printing Technique, Painting, Media Arts.
A collaboration between AFÉAO and the Foundation.
Winter 2009 BRAVO: Copyright granted to BRAVO by the Foundation for the Reproduction of Works by Clément Bérini for the purposes of the artist's website: and
A collaboration between BRAVO and the Foundation.
Fall 2010 ESC Thériault-Galeruche: In the footsteps of Clément Bérini: contribution to:
• Purchase of custom matting for the exhibition at the Galeruche Gallery-Boutique of the works of the students of ESC Thériault,
• Exchange project on the Internet by videoconference,
• Work in printing techniques by students from ESC Thériault (Timmins) and Béatrice-Desloges (Orléans);
• Exhibition of the work of ESC Thériault at the Galeruche Gallery space of the La Ronde Cultural Center; exhibition of the works of ESC Béatrice-Desloges at the Galerie-Chapelle-Clément-Bérini located in the school (Orléans).
A collaboration between the Ontario Ministry of Education, BRAVO-Sud and BRAVO, AFÉAO and the Foundation.
Spring 2012 AFÉAO: Copyright granted to the AFÉAO by the Foundation for the reproduction of works by Clément Bérini in the resource entitled In the Footsteps of Clément Bérini: Collage (primary cycle), Low-Relief (middle cycle), Kinetic Panel (intermediate cycle 7-8).
A collaboration between AFÉAO and the Foundation.
Spring 2013 BRAVO-Sud: Clément Bérini: Honorer Inspirer Rassembler: Financial contribution to support the provincial tour, publication of the exhibition catalogue and leaflet intended for the general public (design work, writing, and validation).
A collaboration between the Ontario Ministry of Education, BRAVO-Sud, BRAVO, AFÉAO and the Foundation.
Nov. 2014 BRAVO-Center: Le temps d’la chasse! Financial contribution to support rental of the exhibition hall, exhibition at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in North Bay.
A collaboration between the gallery, BRAVO-Center, BRAVO and the Foundation.
March 2015 AFÉAO: STAMPING IN or OUT! MAIL ART in the 21st Century (S’AFFRANCHIR! ART POSTAL au XXIe siècle): Financial contribution to support the publication of the exhibition catalogue (design, writing, and validation) and leaflet intended for the general public (design and validation work).
A collaboration between the Ontario Ministry of Education, BRAVO-Sud, BRAVO, AFÉAO and the Foundation.
Dec. 2015 BRAVO: Financial contribution for a three-day trip for a BRAVO delegate to Ottawa for the BRAVO strategic plan design meeting.
A collaboration between BRAVO and the Foundation.
Spring 2017 BRAVO-Sud: Crossroads: Contribution in kind in support of the publication of the exhibition catalogue (design work, writing, and validation) and leaflet intended for the general public (design work and validation).
A collaboration between the Ontario Ministry of Education, BRAVO-Sud, BRAVO, AFÉAO and the Foundation.
Winter 2019 BRAVO-Sud: Crossroads: Contribution in kind to the organization of the third Ontario exhibition at CAFÉ ALTERN in Ottawa.
A collaboration between BRAVO-Sud, BRAVO, BRAVO-Est, CAFÉ ALTERN and students from L’Alternative School as part of its solidarity project, AFÉAO and the Foundation.
d’Art & d’Expression Fall 2019: Les Grands Bleus/Great Big Bleus Financial contribution to the printing of the exhibition catalogue.
Collaboration between d’Art & d’Expression Publishing and the Foundation.
2020 BRAVO: Financial support for the publication of the commemorative book on the 30th anniversary of BRAVO (November 2021). Publication is assumed by Prise de Parole in Sudbury.
2021 Ciel, Terre et Mer: Exhibition financial support (at Galerie 815, Hearst Ontario September -October 2021)